Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Mazahir Uloom raided
In a sensational case Delhi police arrested a senior teacher of Mazahir Uloom in Saharanpur and later raided the madrasa campus on 17 February and confiscated a bag belonging to Mufti Asrar, a senior teacher who taught Hadith and Fiqh for around fifteen years in this world famous madrasa. Police had arrested the senior Maulana on 15 Feb. Apparently the police made public the news of his arrest from his house in Saharanpur only two days later on 17 February when it raided Mazhir Uloom. A similar raid was conducted against another prominent madrasah, Nadwatul Ulama of Lucknow, on 22 Nov 1994 when some students were arrested in a pre-dawn swoop only to be set free at noon for lack of evidence.In another development a madrasa in Saharanpur, Madrasa Islamiya Imdadul Uloom, was rattled by two bomb explosions injuring two people in the early hours of 17 February. In a similar incident Saliaghatwali Masjid was attacked causing injuries to two persons.Mazahir Uloom is one of the leading madrasas in the country. It has thousands of students enrolled from across the country. It is said to have been established around the same time when Darul Uloom Deoband was established in the third quarter of the nineteenth century. According to reports, a police party arrived at the residence of the madrasa rector Maulana Muhammad Salman late night on 16 February and asked him for help in searching the desk of Mufti Asrar. The police had reportedly brought the key of the desk itself when it approached Maulana Salman who accompanied the police to the desk. The police opened it and recovered a ‘black handbag’ and took it away without opening it according to reports. The police revealed later that it recovered a pistol of Chinese-make and fourteen live cartridges from the bag which, according to the police version belongs to a Pakistani national called ‘Nawab’ who left it with Mufti Asrar. Nawab was arrested from Nizamuddin railway station on 1 Feb. It also claimed that Mufti Asrar had close contacts with ISI and militants of Harkat Al-Jihad Al-Islami. It alleged that Mufti Asrar was a confidant of Harkat chief Kifayatullah alias Mahtab, an Indian citizen who moved with his family to Pakistan. Intelligence agencies also claimed that Mufti Asrar used to visit Pakistan where he stayed with Mahtab. According to police, he visited Pakistan three times so far and this is recorded in his passport. Police allege that he used to work as a conduit between ISI agents and arm smugglers. Maulana Salman, the rector, told the media that the bag was not opened before him, so he has no idea as to what was recovered from it. He also said that despite serving for more than a decade, there was nothing to let him believe that Mufti Asrar was involved in any anti-national activity. Several students approached by MG held Mufti Asrar in the highest esteem. The next day, 18 February, Mazahir Uloom rector in a press release, denied that the institution was raided by the police. He claimed that the police had just approached him and it was extremely cordial with him. But it seems as if he was under tremendous pressure. This was evident when MG approached him over the phone. Maulana Salman was reluctant to answer anything about the incident and referred us to his press release in which, he insisted, he has said everything.Mufti Asrar's arrest is being seen with increasing suspicion by Muslims at large. They take it as an extension of the vicious effort to malign madrasas and buttress allegations that they are actually involved in subversive and anti-national activities. The two bomb explosions in another madrasa in the area have added to the mystery. A hitherto unknown Hindu outfit calling itself ‘Arya Sena’ has taken the responsibility for the bomb blasts in leaflets found scattered at the site of the explosion

History of Saharanpur:

The physical features of the district have proved that Saharanpur region was fit for human habitation. The archaeological survey has proved that the evidence of different cultures is available in this area. The excavations were carried out in different parts of the district, i.e Ambakheri,Bargaon,Hulas,Bhadarabad and Naseerpur etc. A number of things have been found during these excavations, on the basis of which, it is established that in Saharanpur district, the earliest habitants were found as early as 2000B.C. Traces of Indus Valley civilization and even earlier are available and now it can be definitely established that this region is connected with Indus valley civilization. Ambakheri, Bargaon, Naseerpur and Hulas were the centres of Harappa culture because many things similar to Harappan civilization were found in these areas .

From the days of the Aryans, the history of this region is traceable in a logical manner but it is difficult at present to trace out history and administration of the local kings without further exploration and excavations.The history of the area goes back to ages. With the passage of timeit’s name changed rapidly. During the region of Iltutmish Saharanpur became a part of the Slave Dynasty. Muhammad Tughlag reached northern doab to crush the rebellion of Shiwalik Kings in 1340. There he came to know about the presence of a Sufi saint on the banks of 'Paondhoi' river. He went to see him there and ordered that henceforth the place should be known as 'Shah-Harunpur' by the name of Saint Shah Harun Chisti.

Akbar was the first Mughal ruler who established civic administration in Saharanpur and made it ' Saharanpur -Sarkar' under Delhi province and appointed a Governor. The Jagir of saharanpur was honoured to Raja Sah Ranveer Singh who founded the city of Saharanpur. At that time Saharanpur was a small village and served as army cantt area. The nearest settlement at that time were Shekhpura and Malhipur . Most of the part of Saharanpur was covered by forests and Paondhoi' 'Dhamola' and 'Ganda Nala ( Kregi Nala) were swampy/marshy. The climate was humid hence it was prone to malaria.

The city which Sah Ranveer Singh founded was surrounded by 'Nakhasa' 'Rani Bajar' Shah Bahlol' and ' Lakhi Gate' along the 'Paondhoi’ River. Saharanpur was a walled city and had four gates –

(1) Sarai gate
(2) Mali gate
(3) Buria gate
(4) Lakhi gate

The map becomes clear as soon as we survey and enter Chaudarian mohalla (locality). The ruins of the fort of Sah Ranveer Singh can still be seen in Chaudharian locality.

Saharanpur passed to the British in 1803. The founders of Darul Uloom Deoband, actively participated in the rebellion, organised the masses outside Delhi and, for a while, were successful is ousting the British authority from the area of their operation. The centre of their activities was Shamili, a small town in the present District of Muzaffarnagar.

After 1857, the cultural and political history of muslims revolved around Aligarh and Deoband.Kasim Nanautavi represented Deoband . Deoband represented opposition to British, favoured Indian Nationalism, Hindu Muslim unity and united India. Deoband supported the revolutionary ideas of Shah Waliullah, that were responsible for social and political awakening. Maulana Nanautavi and Maulana Rashid Ahamad Gangohi established a school in Deoband in 1867. It became popular by the name of Darul Uloom.
They wanted to achieve religious and social consciousness by peaceful methods. Deoband Madarsa was making efforts for the Muslims awakening and was promoting nationalism. Thus the district became centre of activity of Deoband School Ulama. The school played an important role in the revolutionary activities organised to turn out the British from India. Th spirit showed in the Mutiny of 1857 continued unabated. The famous revolutionary Maulana Mahmudul Hasan was the first student of the Madarsa.